Mission: Calculate Trajectory
Specifications                  [Edit]
Planet:Planet Calypso
Mission Chain:Fujiko Takida
Objective:Survey debris sites
Mission Broker
Mission Broker:Fujiko Takida
Required Mission:Contact Fujiko Takida of ISO



Calculate Trajectory


Help the ISO foreman to calculate the trajectory of the crashed shuttle by surveying the debris and impact points on the ground..



  • Survey debris sites
    • Location 1 (19710,39120)
    • Location 2 (19765,39146)
    • Location 3 (19755,40162)
    • Location 4 (19380,39346)
    • Location 5 (20360,38944)
  • Return to Fujiko Takida


Mission Chain






Fujiko Takida  (Cayuze) 

How can I help you?


  • I'm looking for a job
  • Who are you and what are you doing here?
  • Sorry, wrong person.



If you choose 'I'm looking for a job':

Good. My name is Fujiko Takida and I represent Ishido Salvage Operations.


An unregistered shuttle crashed into the ocean not far from here and we have bought the salvage rights. To locate the wreckage, we need to calculate the shuttle's trajectory. There's debris all over the area as the shuttle crashed and bounced off a mountain top before ending up on the bottom of the ocean.


The job is to assess a number of impact points to help us figure out the trajectory and the likely final resting place of the shuttle.


  • I can do that!
  • Hmm. That sounds a bit too complicated to me.


On returning to  Fujiko Takida:

Well done. I think I have the data I need to establish the impact point. However, I could need some more help, if you are interested?


  • Sure, I'm interested.
  • Can you tell me anything about the crash?
  • Not right now, but might return later.



If you choose 'Can you tell me anything about the crash?':

Not much. The shuttle was unregistered, and the transponder was switched off or missing. My theory is that it was smugglers.


The cause of the crash is unknown, but the scattered debris prior to the impact point suggests an explosion.


This is a tricky investigation, and I could really need some help here, if you are interested.


  • Sure.
  • Thanks but no.

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