Mission: Scattered Cargo
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Planet:Planet Calypso
Mission Chain:Fujiko Takida
Objective:Locate Cargo
Mission Broker
Required Mission:Calculate Trajectory


Scattered Cargo

Search three debris fields for cargo, and locate at least five crates in each area.



  • Locate cargo
    • Find group Alpha - (19274, 40379)
    • Check crates in group Alpha (0/5)
    • Find group Beta - (20602, 38440)
    • Check crates in group Beta(0/5)
    • Find group Gamma (20834, 37199)
    • Check crates in group Gamma (0/5)
  • Return to Fujiko Takida


Mission Chain






Fujiko Takida  (Cayuze)

When the shuttle went down, its cargo bays must have been damaged. Crates are scattered over the area. I have reports of three different locations where crated have been discovered.


Luckily, cargo is usually stowed in pretty rugged crates, and although I can't speak for the content, the crates should be intact.


I'd be grateful if you could go to these areas, assess the crates and pin-point their locations. There should be at least five crates at each location if the shuttle's load configuration is correct. 


  • Aren't you worried that people will plunder the crates?
  • I'll do it.
  • My friend is celebrating his birthday today. I have to attend the party.



If you choose "Aren't you worried that people will plunder the crates?" 

They should be magnetically sealed and are too heavy for any person to carry. And as I said, the standard cargo crate is rugged enough to withstand this side of a drop from orbit.


  • Well, I guess I can look around for the crates
  • I'll pass on this one



On return to Fujiko Takida  (Cayuze) 

Good work. Next thing is to call in the heavy lifter and salvage them, but that's our job. Thanks for your help.

  • How is the salvage of the shuttle going? 

We have located the wreck of shuttle. It's in more or less one piece and seems to have ended up in deep abyss.


It will be tricky to lift the shuttle to the shore and continue the salvage operation, in part because of the marine wildlife that may interfere with the salvage operation. Which leads to another job that I can offer, if you are interested.


  • Yeah.
  • Not this time

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