Creatures roaming around in Entropia Universe Showing 180 of 56 items.
Maturity Class: Planet:
General InformationDamage typesMovementCombatOtherProfessions
NameMaturity ClassFound onStbCutImpPenShrBrnCldAcdElcMovementCombatAttacksRangeAggressionTamableSweatableMin HPMin Global
50 Foot Android Party GirlCyborgROCKtropia         RunningClose   NoNo 50
 50 Foot Digital Party GirlCyborgROCKtropia         RunningClose   NoNo 50
 50 Foot Electro Party GirlCyborgROCKtropia         RunningClose   NoNo 50
 50 Foot Fembot Party GirlCyborgROCKtropia         RunningClose   NoNo 50
 50 Foot Glamor Party GirlCyborgROCKtropia         RunningClose   NoNo 50
AIHuman (ROCKtropia)ROCKtropia3367       RunningClose42  NoYes42
Ambulimax (Rocktropia)AmbulimaxROCKtropia  100      RunningClose20 LowNoYes101050
Android Video Vixen CloneCyborgROCKtropia  100      RunningClose   NoYes130 
Argonaut (Rocktropia)ArgonautROCKtropia 2575      RunningClose20 HighNoNo25050
Atrox (Rocktropia)AtroxROCKtropia233641      RunningClose   YesYes99050
Bank RobberHuman (ROCKtropia)ROCKtropia         Running   HighNoYes2 
 Bar FightInstances - RocktropiaROCKtropia              NoNo  
 Bass MonkeyHuman (ROCKtropia)ROCKtropia         RunningClose   NoYes800 
 BikerHuman (ROCKtropia)ROCKtropia         RunningClose   NoYes1000 
 Bonzos Chop ShopInstances - RocktropiaROCKtropia              NoNo  
     %%%%%%%%%  /minm   HPPED
<< < > >> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... (All)Items per page:

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