Creature Maturity Levels
Attributes of the creatures and Damage vs. Armor calculations. When adding an armor, you will see the average damage and decay by default, based on a 50% to 100% damage interval with a random distriburion. You can change this to Max damage, Min damage and Critical hit in the dropdown menu. Armor decay is explained on the Armor Decay page. Showing 4702 of 56 items.
Attacks/minCreatureMaturityHealthRegen. SpeedDamageDanger LevelHP/LvlThreatTaming Level
 5P1D3RGeneration I1000 229111.12200 
 Generation II2000 4418111.18800 
 Generation V5000  47106.4  
 Generation IX9000  84107.1  
 Generation III3000  20150  
 Generation IV4000  37108.1  
 Generation VI6000  56107.1  
 Generation VII7000  66106.1  
 Generation VIII8000  75106.7  
 Generation X10000  94106.4  
 50 Foot Android Party GirlSingle Maturity Mob  11050   
  50 Foot Digital Party GirlSingle Maturity Mob   50   
  50 Foot Fembot Party GirlSingle Maturity Mob   50   
  50 Foot Glamor Party GirlSingle Maturity Mob   50   
  Aakas 01Rakta10  0   
     HPHP/sHP   Level
<< < > >> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... (All)Items per page:

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