Creature: | Thorifoid Shaman |
Maturity: | Acolyte of Onard |
Health: | 590 HP |
Damage Potential: | Great |
Danger Level: | 39 |
HP/Lvl: | 15.1 |
Attributes |
Agility: | 56 |
Intelligence: | 95 |
Psyche: | 98 |
Stamina: | 59 |
Strength: | 74 |
This member of the shaman caste is a direct subordinate to Onard the Faceless. These acolytes assist Onard with ceremonial duties, while he trains them in the use of Thor magic. The acolytes are hand-picked by Onard himself for their ruthlessness and skill. They act as an incredibly dangerous elite within the Thor community, often able to best even the most powerful warriors in single combat. Because of this, they also have considerable political power within their clan. In order to take attempt to fight the Acolytes of Onard as well as Onard the Faceless you must first step on the stones in the room in the correct order, after which the room will become blocked by a wall of ice, so make sure you're ready. When activated you have 10 minutes to complete the event (by killing Onard the Faceless)
There is a 15 minute cooldown after the event has finished. (Either by timeout or successful completion)