Creature Maturity Level: Primordial Longu Bloodclaw
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Creature:Primordial Longu
Health:8200 HP
Damage Potential:Gigantic
Danger Level:129

Bloodclaw, found in PVP3

In the early days of colonization, there were tales of a man-eating monster with giant claws and spiky armor on its back known as Bloodclaw. Later, they were forgotten as new tales took their place.


While these tales predate the revival of the Primordial Longu in a lab somewhere on Calypso, the similarities between the famous beast and the once extinct animal have made many of the stories resurface.


Some say that it is an old Longu that survived since ancient times, others that it was an experiment gone wrong. However, only one thing is for sure...


Bloodclaw is real!



Killing this creature is required for completion of Wanted: Bloodclaw (Daily)

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